How To Find Viral Video Ideas on YouTube

Red Bull has one of the best YouTube channels as far as brands go and could teach you a thing or two.

Read time: 3 minutes


Here is your weekly dose of The Creator Stream, a list of what I’m enjoying and working on in the Creator Economy. Please feel free to forward this along to fellow creators.

Learn From Red Bull’s YouTube Strategy

Red Bull has one of the best YouTube channels as far as brands go and could teach you a thing or two.

They've always been great at marketing but I really like their content as it feels organic to the platform.

Here's a few things I think they're doing well 👇

Extreme Video Ideas: Red Bull leans into their brand's adventurous spirit and huge marketing budget to produce videos that only they could create.

This is a huge advantage with videos like:

  1. F1 Drivers Race TINY Jet Boats! (Daniel vs Yuki)

  2. I Jumped From Space (World Record Supersonic Freefall)

The ideas are so outlandish and to many potential viewers, they could easily think it’s clickbait due to how out of this world they are (literally in the case of the freefall video!).

But because Red Bull is known for outlandish stunts, their name gives assurance to viewers that the promise of the video is likely to be as extraordinary as it sounds.

They've been doing this for decades now so this long track record of doing impossible stunts makes them perfect for this style of content on YouTube.


Thumbnail Strategy & Design: Red Bull's thumbnails are very reminiscent of challenge videos from YouTubers like Airrack, Mr. Beast, and The Sidemen.

Their thumbnails lean into captured 'caught in the act' moments that feel very real, almost as if they were a single frame from the video:

This style I believe really resonates with YouTube viewers as they feel believable, especially when they see Red Bull's channel name, making the chances of you clicking way higher.


Strong Hooks: The video ‘F1 Drivers Race HUGE Mega Trucks! (Max Verstappen vs Yuki Tsunoda)’ is a prime example that Red Bull understands YouTube and knows how to create engaging hooks from the get-go.

As soon as you click on this thumbnail there’s a flurry of fast edits, with Max Verstappen's great first line:

“I’m going to race F1's shortest driver in these huge mega trucks.”

Before zooming out to show the sheer scale of these machines next to Max and the very short Yuki.

The edit immediately then cuts to their reactions as they see these trucks jumping over ramps and crashing down onto cars for the first time.

This kind of hook immediately delivers on the promise of the title and thumbnail and is so similar to the style of hook we’d see in a Mr. Beast video.


Leveraging Star Power: Using their Formula 1 drivers like Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo, Red Bull taps into the social status of internationally recognized sport stars, something a lot of competitor energy drink brands like Monster can't do.

It's a great strategy that attracts fans of F1, the drivers, and extreme vehicle fans helping to broaden the channel's appeal even further.


There’s a lot that big corporations could learn from Red Bull’s strategy towards YouTube.

Which companies do you think are perfect for the world of YouTube but just haven’t reached their potential yet?

My Favorite Things This Week

🛠️ Creator Tool I’m Using

How To Find Viral Video Ideas: - This is a tool I’ve been using with my clients to help identify outlier video ideas.

Why bother trying to reinvent the wheel every single time you want to make a video? You have no idea if this video is going to do well or not and you risk spending time, money, and energy creating something only for no one to even be interested.

Using this tool, you can find videos that have performed very well within different niches. For example, you can easily spot a video that has 1.5M views on a channel that usually gets 10,000 views.

This is such a great tool for being able to reverse engineer why you think that video did well. Was it the video idea, the thumbnail, title, was the content so good that the packaging didn’t really matter?

Since using it I feel that I’ve been able to spot trends even more which is fantastic. I definitely recommend this if you’re a creator who struggles with video ideas.

🐦 Tweet I’m Thinking About…

Mr. Beast Made Over $250,000 With His First X Video - Mr. Beast made $250k by uploading his first video to X instead of on YouTube. This is a huge amount of money considering that Jimmy didn’t want to post on X as he believed it wouldn’t pay as well as YouTube.

Elon had tweeted Jimmy a few times asking him to post on X just to see what would happen and the results so far have been impressive.

It will be interesting to see if Jimmy continues to post a new video again that has never originally aired on YouTube. As he mentions in his tweet, a lot of eyeballs were driven to the tweet and advertisers spent heavily on it because of that.

I love YouTube and think that it’ll be around for a long time to come, but it’s low-key scary to see another platform try and charm the biggest YouTuber into moving his content off YouTube.

🐦 Tweet That I Found Interesting…

Pat Walls Shares Thumbnail A/B Test Results - Pat Walls has one of the fastest-growing YouTube channels right now. Earlier this week he tweeted the results of his A/B testing for four thumbnails for his latest video ‘The £1.8M Solopreneur Playbook.’

Submit Your Questions for My Upcoming Newsletter AMA

This year I told myself I’m going to be more engaged and connect with you all every week with this newsletter.

I'm opening up the mic and want to hear from you!

Every week each newsletter will have a Q&A section where I’ll give you my thoughts on whatever creator questions you may have. If you have a question you want my opinion on, this is your chance!

To ask your question simply hit reply and send your question alongside your name and hopefully you’ll see your question in a future edition of The Creator Stream!

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Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. I create videos on YouTube about how I help my clients get more views and make money. Check out my channel.

  2. Book a free 15-minute consulting call with me where I can give you some pointers on how to improve your YouTube Channel.

  3. If you want to improve your thumbnails, sign up for free at The Thumbnail Vault. It's a database of over 1,000 of the best thumbnails on YouTube for inspiration, with breakdowns of why they got views.

  4. Sponsor the newsletter - Get your message in front of 1,500 people!

Thanks for reading, if you want to reach out to me, just send a tweet to @WhiffenYT.
