How One Creator Makes $1.7M With 0 Employees

How One Creator Makes $1.7M With 0 Employees

Read time: 2 minutes


Here is your weekly dose of The Creator Stream, a list of what I’m enjoying and exploring in the Creator Economy. Please feel free to forward this along to friends.

My Favourite Things This Week

🎥 Video I'm Watching

The Solopreneur: He Makes $1.7M With 0 Employees - Justin Welsh is one of my favourite creators on Twitter. He's built a one-person business to over $1.7M/year and constantly tweets out valuable information on how to grow an audience and build an online knowledge business around it.

In this video from StarterStory, he shares his content strategy, tools he uses, daily routine, and some advice for beginner entrepreneurs looking to start a solo business. Highly recommend you check this video out, even if you don't consider yourself an entrepreneur.

🧰 Creator Tool I Recommend

Autopod: Automatic editing for video podcasts and shows - For those of you who edit podcasts, the Autopod tool is about to revolutionize your workflow.

I know there have been many AI tools released recently, but this one is a bit different. It automatically sorts your footage in just a few seconds, which means you can cut down the hours you'd usually spend editing between different shots of guests talking during a podcast. I'd recommend checking out the video on their homepage to see how it works—it's quite impressive just how fast it edits the podcast.

🐦 Tweet I'm Reading

Dickie Bush on How To Write For The Internet - Many wannabe creators who want to create educational content often experience imposter syndrome where they don't feel qualified to teach others.

However, this tweet from Dickie Bush about his perspective on writing for the internet is an antidote to this problem and it doesn't just apply to writing, it works for video creators too. Give it a read if you want to create but feel that you can't, it's a great mindset shift to have that will get recording or writing!

Thanks for reading, if you want to reach out to me, just send a tweet to @WhiffenYT. Have a wonderful weekend!


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Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. If you're looking to improve your thumbnails, I'd recommend you sign up for free at The Thumbnail Vault. It's a database of over 1,000 of the best thumbnails on YouTube for inspiration with breakdowns on why they got views.

  2. Book a free 15-minute consulting call with me where I can give you some pointers on how to improve your YouTube Channel.

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